Annual General Meeting

By Donkey Republic

03 April, 2024

The board of directors of DonkeyRepublic Holding A/S (the “Company”) convenes for the annual general meeting to be held Wednesday 3 April 2024 at 11.00 (CEST). The general meeting is held electronically with no physical attendance.

The agenda for the general meeting is:

  1. Report on the activities in 2023
  2. Adoption of the annual report
  3. Resolution on allocation of the annual result
  4. Election of members of the board of directors
  5. Election of auditor
  6. Authorisation to increase the share capital
  7. Authorisation to the chairman of the meeting

03 April 2024 – 11.00 (CEST)
(the annual general meeting will be held electronically)

Attendance Form

Proxy and Postal Vote Form
